Returning from Padua, where the annual meeting of SIPI (Società Italiana di Psicologia dell'Invecchiamento) was held from 21 to 23 of May, 2016. Together with Mauro Bertolotti, we presented the paper "health or Well-being? Framing effects in nutrition communication addressing old people."
The photos of the "Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology" are now online. The meeting was held last March in Sydney.
You can find a selection of the best shots that disclose different moments of the symposium, the acadamic and the leisure ones as well, everything was extremely pleasant!
Those who are interested can find the online translations which summerize the main chapters of the papers presented at the meeting, included Catellani, P. and Bertolotti, M. (2014). The perception of politicians’ morality: Attacks and defences.
The monographic paper in the ComPol journal is online with several in-depth analysis on the media emloyed in 2013 political campaign and on the related effects.
Inside the journal the paper with my contribution: Barisione, M., Catellani, P. & Garzia, D. (2014). Between Facebook and TV news. Media Exposure and Leader Perception in the 2013 Election Campaign in Italy. Comunicazione Politica, 6, 185-207.
Read the abstract ...
The texts of the contributions to be presented at the next "Sydney symposium of social psychology", 17-20 March, are now online.
Together with Mauro Bertolotti I'm presenting the following contribution:
Catellani, P. e Bertolotti, M. (2014). The perception of politicians’ morality: Attacks and defences.
The paper:
Catellani, P. & Bertolotti, M.. The effects of counterfactual attacks on social judgments
has been just accepted for publication in Social Psychology.
Catellani, P. e Bertolotti, M. Identity, values, and food,
in the volume F. Botturi & R. Zoboli (Eds.) Convivium: Representation, meaning, exclusion, sustainability, Milan, Vita & Pensiero.
Is there a relationship between the food we eat and our values and identity? To answer this question, we first look at what are the relations between personal values and food choices. We then take a more in-depth look at the motivations underlying our food choices and how such motivations can change in time.