The Annual Meeting of Political Communication “Communicate and doing politics in a pop democracy” was held in Rome from 14 to 16 December 2017. Together with Mauro Bertolotti and Thomas Nelson (Ohio University) I presented the paper “Pittsburgh or Paris? Framing issues in the policies on energy and climate”. We talked about our studies carried out both in Italy and USA to investigate how people react to messages highlighting advantages or disadvantages for the economy and the environment of programs aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy.
On December 1-2, 2017 an Expert Meeting organised by the “Ordine degli Psicologi del Lazio” was held to start a think-thank on the new perspectives in the psychology profession. Two involving and interesting debate days, which are summarised in the new website. On this page short videos on the two days, including an interview of mine which may also be found at this page.
È in corso di stampa il capitolo "Catellani, P. e Bertolotti, M. Identity, values, and food" nel volume a cura di F. Botturi & R. Zoboli (Eds.) Convivium: Representation, meaning, exclusion, sustainability, Milano, Vita & Pensiero.
Che rapporti ci sono tra il cibo che mangiamo, i nostri valori e la nostra identità? Per rispondere a questa domanda vediamo anzitutto che relazioni ci sono tra valori e scelte alimentari. Analizziamo poi più in dettaglio le motivazioni che sono alla base delle scelte alimentari e come queste motivazioni possono cambiare nel tempo.
From June 1 to 4, 2016 the Small Group Meeting "Counterfactual thinking in causality, emotion, communication, and behavior" was held in Aix-en-Provence, organized by Mauro Bertolotti, Ruth Byrne, Kai Epstude, Denis Hilton, and myself. The meeting was supported by the European Association of Social Psychology.
Watch the video o research's presentation: “Better food for a better life” published on the Newsletter UCloud of the Università Cattolica. The Newsletter was recently introduced to the meeting “Reconnecting policy making and science: how do we do it?” an international digital agora organized by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore held in Brussels the 11th of December in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the European Union.
Returning from Padua, where the annual meeting of SIPI (Società Italiana di Psicologia dell'Invecchiamento) was held from 21 to 23 of May, 2016. Together with Mauro Bertolotti, we presented the paper "health or Well-being? Framing effects in nutrition communication addressing old people."