Catellani, P. (2024)
Invited talk at the 5th event of the programme "Artificial Intelligence and Work. How it changes, how we must change" organised by our Fondazione Pensiero Solido
Milan, 21 October
Catellani, P. (2024)
Invited talk at the 5th event of the programme "Artificial Intelligence and Work. How it changes, how we must change" organised by our Fondazione Pensiero Solido
Milan, 21 October
Patrizia Catellani
Professore ordinario
di Psicologia Sociale
Dipartimento di Psicologia
Università Cattolica di Milano
Largo Gemelli, 1
I-20123 Milano
Tel: 02-72342906
Cell.: 3356741468
Fax: 02-72342280