
nuoveformedipartecipazioneCatellani, P. (2007).
In B. Gelli (a cura di),
Le nuove forme della partecipazione. Un approccio interdisciplinare.
Carocci, Roma.
pp. 57-71.

ISBN 9788843042425

Political efficacy as an antecedent of political participation is taken into account. After a definition of the notions of political efficacy, internal efficacy, external efficacy, and system trust, the various levels of political efficacy in the European countries are taken into account. The obstacles to the development of political efficacy are then reviewed, as well as some reasoning processes that may lead to increase or vice versa diminish one’s perception of being efficacious from a political point of view. Some suggestions to increase citizens’ political efficacy are finally given.

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Patrizia Catellani

Professore ordinario
di Psicologia Sociale
Dipartimento di Psicologia
Università Cattolica di Milano
Largo Gemelli, 1
I-20123 Milano
Tel: 02-72342906
Cell.: 3356741468
Fax: 02-72342280
E-mail: patrizia.catellani@unicatt.it