
com-polCatellani, P. (2009).
Comunicazione Politica,
1, 75-84.

Some recent developments of psychological research on political communication are discussed. First, a focus on the effi cacy of several features of politicians' verbal and non-verbal communication, such as concreteness versus abstractedness of language employed or gestures. Second, a focus on the use and the effi cacy of defence and attack communicative strategies by politicians and journalists, as well as of strategies aimed at enhancing citizens' identifi cation with given social categories. Finally, an increasing attention for the consequences of pragmatic constraints related to the various contexts in which political communication takes place.

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Patrizia Catellani

Professore ordinario
di Psicologia Sociale
Dipartimento di Psicologia
Università Cattolica di Milano
Largo Gemelli, 1
I-20123 Milano
Tel: 02-72342906
Cell.: 3356741468
Fax: 02-72342280
E-mail: patrizia.catellani@unicatt.it