Articoli su riviste

On the emergent capabilities of ChatGPT 4 to estimate personality traits
Piastra, M. & Catellani, P. (2025). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 8, 1484260.

Psychosocial predictors of downloading a mobile app promoting healthy and sustainable eating
Azzena, I., Festa, S, Pompili, S., Lenzi, M., Carraro, L., Guidetti, M., Cavazza, N., Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2025). Cogent Psychology, 12, 2464273.

Bridging the ideological divide: Communicating the positive economic impact of climate policy convinces the right
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2025). Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 70058.

Did sexist voters bring Italy its first female Prime Minister?
Bertolotti, M., Picciafoco, L., & Catellani, P. (2024). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 87, 45-57.

Proenvironmental self identity as a moderator of psychosocial predictors in the purchase of sustainable clothing
Carfora, V., Buscicchio, G., & Catellani, P. (2024). Proenvironmental self identity as a moderator of psychosocial predictors in the purchase of sustainable clothing. Scientific Reports, 14, 23968.

Populism and the effects of political attacks on male and female candidates.
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., & Picciafoco, L. (2024). Comunicazione Politica, 25, 195-218.

Regulatory fit to enhance user engagement with an app promoting healthy and sustainable eating. An experimental study to match regulatory concern and anticipated emotions.
Carfora, V., Festa, S., Pompili, S., Azzena, I., Guidetti, M., Scaglioni, G., ... & Catellani, P. (2024) Sustainability, 16 (15), 6388.

Environmental messages to promote sustainable seafood choices: An explorative mobile app intervention.
Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2024). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 94, 102255.

Psychosocial drivers influencing local food purchasing: Beyond availability, the importance of trust in farmers.
Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2023). Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1204732. Articolo

A theory-based and data-driven approach to promoting physical activity through message-based interventions.
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., Biella, M. Brischigiaro, L., Manera, M., Nardone, A., & Piastra M. (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1200304. Articolo

A dual pathway to pro-environmental behavioural intention: Individual vs collective efficacy and their moderators.
Bertolotti, M., Valla, L.G., & Catellani, P. (2023). Psicologia Sociale, 18 (3), 291-310. Articolo

Counterfactual thinking as a prebunking strategy to contrast misinformation on COVID-19
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2023). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 104, 104404.

Legumes or meat? The effectiveness of recommendation messages towards a plant-based diet depends on people’s identification with flexitarians
Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2023). Nutrients, 15(1), 15. Online

Advertising innovative sustainable fashion: Informational, transformational, or sustainability appeal?
Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2022). Sustainability, 14(23), 16148. Online

“If it weren’t for COVID-19…”: Counterfactual arguments influence support for climate change policies via cross-domain moral licensing or moral consistency effects
Bertolotti, M., Valla, L. G., & Catellani, P. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1005813. Online

Affective components in promoting physical activity: A randomized controlled trial of message framing
Carfora V., Biella M., & Catellani P. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 968109.

The influence of message framing on consumers’ selection of local food
Carfora V., Morandi M., & Catellani P. (2022).
Foods, 11, 1268.

The effect of message framing in promoting the Mediterranean diet: The moderating role of eating self-efficacy.
Carfora, V., Morandi, M., & Catellani, P. (2022).
Foods, 11, 1454.

Predicting and promoting the consumption of plant-based meat
Carfora V., Morandi M., & Catellani P. (2022). British Food Journal. 124, 4800-4822.

Adding dynamic norm to environmental information in persuasive messages: The role of receivers’ intrinsic motivation
Carfora, V., Zeiske, N., van der Werff, E., Steg, L. & Catellani, P. (2022). Environmental Communication, 16, 900-919.

The psychosocial drivers of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Carfora V., Morandi M., Jelić, A., & Catellani P. (2022). Public Health Nutrition, 25, 2742-2757.

Framing and tailoring prefactual messages to reduce red meat consumption: Predicting effects through a psychology-based graphical causal model
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., & Piastra, M. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 825602.

Integrating personal and pro-environmental motives to explain women’s purchase of sustainable clothing
Carfora, V., Buscicchio, G. & Catellani, P. (2021). Sustainability, 13, 10841.

Think different? Populist attitudes, their antecedents and consequences on vote behaviour and outcome evaluation in the 2016 and 2020 Italian constitutional referenda
Bertolotti, M., Leone, C. & Catellani, P. (2021). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 84, 65-78.

Framing prefactual affective posts about vegetable consumption
Carfora, V., Jelic, A., Bertolotti, M., & Catellani, P. (2021). In L. Pačić-Turk (Ed.), Brain and mind: Promoting individual and community well-being. Selected proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference. Zagreb, Croatia, Catholic University of Croatia, pp. 197-210.

Explaining intention to reduce red and processed meat in the UK and Italy using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, meat-eater identity, and the Transtheoretical Model.
Wolstenholme, E., Carfora, V., Catellani, P., Poortinga, V. & Whitmarsh, L. (2021). Appetite, 166, 105467.

Why do consumers intend to purchase natural food? Integrating theory of planned behavior, value-belief-norm theory, and trust.
Carfora, V., Cavallo, C., Catellani, P., Giudice, T.D., & Cicia, G. (2021). Nutrients, 13, 1904.

Connecting social psychology and deep reinforcement learning: A probabilistic predictor on the intention to do home-based physical activity after message exposure.
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., & Piastra (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 696770.

The effect of persuasive messages in promoting home-based physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic.
Carfora, V., Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 644050.

A cognitive-emotional model to explain message framing effects: Reducing meat consumption.
Carfora, V., Pastore, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 583209.

Hindsight bias and electoral outcomes: Satisfaction counts more than winner-loser status
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Social Cognition, 39, 201–224.

Framing messages on the economic impact of climate change policies: Effects on climate believers and climate skeptics
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., & Nelson, T. (2021). Environmental Communication, 15, 715-730.

Going green but staying in the black: Framing effects in communication on the economic impact of environmental policies.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 624001.

How expert witnesses’ counterfactuals influence causal and responsibility attributions of mock jurors and expert judges.
Catellani, P., Bertolotti, M., Vagni, M., & Pajardi, D. (2021). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 3-17.

Rational and moral motives to reduce red and processed meat consumption
Carfora, V., Conner, M., Caso, D., & Catellani, P. (2020). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50, 744-755.

How expert witnesses’ counterfactuals influence causal and responsibility attributions of mock jurors and expert judges.
Catellani, P., Bertolotti, M., Vagni, M. e Pajardi, D. (in press). Applied Cognitive Psychology.

Dialogue management in conversational agents through psychology of persuasion and machine learning
Carfora, V., Di Massimo, F., Rastelli, R., Catellani, P., & Piastra, M. (2020). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 39, 35949-35971.

Psicologia, voto e comunicazione politica: rischi e opportunità per la democrazia.
Catellani, P. (2020). Politeia, 36, pp. 139-144.

Regulatory focus and the effect of nutritional messages on health and well-being: The case of red meat intake.
Bertolotti, M., Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2020).
Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing, 12, 212-230.

Different frames to reduce red meat intake: The moderating role of self-efficacy.
Bertolotti, M., Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2020).
Health Communication, 35, 475-482.

Comunicazione politica online: un percorso a due velocità
Catellani, P. (2019). Echo. Rivista interdisciplinare di comunicazione, 1, 20-27.

Applying psychology of persuasion to conversational agents through reinforcement learning: An exploratory study
Di Massimo, F., Carfora, V., Catellani, P., & Piastra, M. (2019). CEUR – Workshop Proceedings, 2481, 27.

Informational and emotional daily messages to reduce red and processed meat consumption.
Carfora, V., Bertolotti, M., & Catellani, P. (2019). Appetite, 141,

How to reduce red and processed meat consumption by daily text messages targeting environment or health benefits.
Carfora, V., Catellani, P., Caso, D., & Conner, M. (2019). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65,

The effects of counterfactual attacks on the morality and leadership of different professionals.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2018). Social Psychology, 49, 154-167.

Promoting change in meat consumption among the elderly
Bertolotti, M., Chirchiglia, G. & Catellani, P. (2016). Appetite, 106, 37-47.

Salute o benessere? Effetti di framing nella comunicazione alimentare rivolta agli anziani
Bertolotti, M. e Catellani, P. (2016). Ricerche di Psicologia, 39, 79-92.

Agreement with climate change policies: Framing the future and national versus supra-national identity.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2015). European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 847-857.

The effects of counterfactual defences on social judgements
Catellani, P. & Bertolotti, M. (2014). European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 82-92.

The Effects of message framing in policy communication on climate change.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2014). European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 474–486.

Tra Facebook e i TG. Esposizione mediale e percezione dei leader nella campagna elettorale italiana del 2013.
Barisione, M., Catellani, P. & Garzia, D. (2014). Comunicazione Politica, 6, 187-210.

Introduzione allo special issue su moralità e psicologia sociale
Catellani, P. (2014). Introduzione allo special issue su moralità e psicologia sociale: percorsi di ricerca e direzioni future.
In-Mind, 7, 1-2. » Link

The effects of factual and counterfactual attacks on social judgments
Catellani, P. e Bertolotti, M. (2014). Social Psychology, 45, 371-381.

Counterfactuals, the national economy, and voting choice
Catellani, P., Milesi, P. e Alberici, A.I. (2014). Current Psychology, 33, pp. 47-63.

The strategic use of counterfactual communication in politics
Catellani, P. & Covelli, P. (2013). Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32, 495-504.

The “Big Two” in political communication: The effects of attacking and defending politicians’ leadership or morality
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., Douglas, K.M., & Sutton R.M. (2013). Social Psychology, 44, 117-128.

The day after an electoral defeat: Counterfactuals and collective action
Milesi, P. e Catellani, P. (2011). British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 690-706.

Does the candidate matter? Comparing the voting choice of early and late deciders
Catellani, P. & Alberici, A.I. (2012). Political Psychology, 33, 619-634.

Fatti e controfatti nel ragionamento giudiziario
Catellani, P. (2010). Sistemi Intelligenti, 22, 209-220.

Soggetti, strategie ed efficacia della comunicazione politica
Catellani, P. (2009). Comunicazione Politica, 1, 75-84.

Il salotto e la scena: il conflitto politico in Porta a Porta
Colombo, F. e Catellani, P. (2006). Comunicazione Politica, 7, 343-355.

Experiences in working life and the attraction of the extreme right. Empirical findings of a European study
Flecker, J., De Witte, H., Hentges, G., Catellani, P., De Weerdt, Y, e Milesi, P. (2005). Ethical Perspectives, 12, 141-170.

Counterfactual thinking and stereotypes: The nonconformity effect
Catellani, P., Alberici, A.I. e Milesi, P. (2004). European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 421-436.
On the emergent capabilities of ChatGPT 4 to estimate personality traits
Piastra, M. & Catellani, P. (2025). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 8, 1484260.
Psychosocial predictors of downloading a mobile app promoting healthy and sustainable eating
Azzena, I., Festa, S, Pompili, S., Lenzi, M., Carraro, L., Guidetti, M., Cavazza, N., Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2025). Cogent Psychology, 12, 2464273.
Bridging the ideological divide: Communicating the positive economic impact of climate policy convinces the right
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2025). Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 70058.
On the emergent capabilities of ChatGPT 4 to estimate personality traits
Did sexist voters bring Italy its first female Prime Minister?
Bertolotti, M., Picciafoco, L., & Catellani, P. (2024). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 87, 45-57.
Proenvironmental self identity as a moderator of psychosocial predictors in the purchase of sustainable clothing
Carfora, V., Buscicchio, G., & Catellani, P. (2024). Proenvironmental self identity as a moderator of psychosocial predictors in the purchase of sustainable clothing. Scientific Reports, 14 , 23968.
Populism and the effects of political attacks on male and female candidates.
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., & Picciafoco, L. (2024). Comunicazione Politica, 25 , 195-218.
Regulatory fit to enhance user engagement with an app promoting healthy and sustainable eating. An experimental study to match regulatory concern and anticipated emotions.
Carfora, V., Festa, S., Pompili, S., Azzena, I., Guidetti, M., Scaglioni, G.,... & Catellani, P. (2024) Sustainability, 16 (15), 6388.
Environmental messages to promote sustainable seafood choices: An explorative mobile app intervention.
Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2024). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 94 , 102255.
Did sexist voters bring Italy its first female Prime Minister?
Psychosocial drivers influencing local food purchasing: Beyond availability, the importance of trust in farmers.
Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2023). Frontiers in Nutrition, 10 , 1204732. Articolo
A theory-based and data-driven approach to promoting physical activity through message-based interventions.
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., Biella, M. Brischigiaro, L., Manera, M., Nardone, A., & Piastra M. (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, 14 , 1200304. Articolo
A dual pathway to pro-environmental behavioural intention: Individual vs collective efficacy and their moderators.
Bertolotti, M., Valla, L.G., & Catellani, P. (2023). Psicologia Sociale, 18 (3), 291-310. Articolo
Counterfactual thinking as a prebunking strategy to contrast misinformation on COVID-19
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2023). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology . 104 , 104404.
Legumes or meat? The effectiveness of recommendation messages towards a plant-based diet depends on people’s identification with flexitarians
Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2023). Nutrients , 15 (1), 15. Online
Psychosocial drivers influencing local food purchasing: Beyond availability, the importance of trust in farmers.
Advertising innovative sustainable fashion: Informational, transformational, or sustainability appeal?
Carfora, V., & Catellani, P. (2022). Sustainability , 14 (23), 16148. O nline
“If it weren’t for COVID-19…”: Counterfactual arguments influence support for climate change policies via cross-domain moral licensing or moral consistency effects
Bertolotti, M., Valla, L. G., & Catellani, P. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology , 13, 1005813. Online
Affective components in promoting physical activity: A randomized controlled trial of message framing
Carfora V., Biella M., & Catellani P. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology , 13, 968109.
The influence of message framing on consumers’ selection of local food
Carfora V., Morandi M., & Catellani P. (2022). Foods , 11 , 1268.
The effect of message framing in promoting the Mediterranean diet: The moderating role of eating self-efficacy.
Carfora, V., Morandi, M., & Catellani, P. (2022). Foods , 11 , 1454.
Predicting and promoting the consumption of plant-based meat
Carfora V., Morandi M., & Catellani P. (2022). British Food Journal. 124 , 4800-4822.
Adding dynamic norm to environmental information in persuasive messages: The role of receivers’ intrinsic motivation
Carfora, V., Zeiske, N., van der Werff, E., Steg, L. & Catellani, P. (2022). Environmental Communication , 16 , 900-919.
The psychosocial drivers of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Carfora V., Morandi M., Jelić, A., & Catellani P. (2022). Public Health Nutrition , 25 , 2742-2757 .
Framing and tailoring prefactual messages to reduce red meat consumption: Predicting effects through a psychology-based graphical causal model
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., & Piastra, M. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 13 , 825602.
Advertising innovative sustainable fashion: Informational, transformational, or sustainability appeal?
Integrating personal and pro-environmental motives to explain women’s purchase of sustainable clothing
Carfora, V., Buscicchio, G. & Catellani, P. (2021). Sustainability , 13 , 10841.
Think different? Populist attitudes, their antecedents and consequences on vote behaviour and outcome evaluation in the 2016 and 2020 Italian constitutional referenda
Bertolotti, M., Leone, C. & Catellani, P. (2021). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies , 84 , 65-78.
Framing prefactual affective posts about vegetable consumption
Carfora, V., Jelic, A., Bertolotti, M., & Catellani, P. (2021). In L. Pačić-Turk (Ed.), Brain and mind: Promoting individual and community well-being. Selected proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference . Zagreb, Croatia, Catholic University of Croatia, pp. 197-210.
Explaining intention to reduce red and processed meat in the UK and Italy using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, meat-eater identity, and the Transtheoretical Model.
Wolstenholme, E., Carfora, V., Catellani, P., Poortinga, V. & Whitmarsh, L. (2021). Appetite, 166, 105467.
Why do consumers intend to purchase natural food? Integrating theory of planned behavior, value-belief-norm theory, and trust.
Carfora, V., Cavallo, C., Catellani, P., Giudice, T.D., & Cicia, G. (2021). Nutrients , 13 , 1904.
Connecting social psychology and deep reinforcement learning: A probabilistic predictor on the intention to do home-based physical activity after message exposure.
Catellani, P., Carfora, V., & Piastra (2021). Frontiers in Psychology , 12, 696770.
The effect of persuasive messages in promoting home-based physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic.
Carfora, V., Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 644050.
A cognitive-emotional model to explain message framing effects: Reducing meat consumption.
Carfora, V., Pastore, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12 , 583209.
Hindsight bias and electoral outcomes: Satisfaction counts more than winner-loser status
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Social Cognition, 39 , 201–224.
Framing messages on the economic impact of climate change policies: Effects on climate believers and climate skeptics
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., & Nelson, T. (2021). Environmental Communication, 15 , 715-730 .
Going green but staying in the black: Framing effects in communication on the economic impact of environmental policies.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12 , 624001.
How expert witnesses’ counterfactuals influence causal and responsibility attributions of mock jurors and expert judges.
Catellani, P., Bertolotti, M., Vagni, M., & Pajardi, D. (2021). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35 , 3-17.
Integrating personal and pro-environmental motives to explain women’s purchase of sustainable clothing
Rational and moral motives to reduce red and processed meat consumption
Carfora, V., Conner, M., Caso, D., & Catellani, P. (2020). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50 , 744-755 .
How expert witnesses’ counterfactuals influence causal and responsibility attributions of mock jurors and expert judges.
Catellani, P., Bertolotti, M., Vagni, M. e Pajardi, D. (in press). Applied Cognitive Psychology .
Dialogue management in conversational agents through psychology of persuasion and machine learning
Carfora, V., Di Massimo, F., Rastelli, R., Catellani, P., & Piastra, M. (2020). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 39 , 35949-35971.
Psicologia, voto e comunicazione politica: rischi e opportunità per la democrazia.
Catellani, P. (2020). Politeia , 36 , pp. 139-144.
Regulatory focus and the effect of nutritional messages on health and well-being: The case of red meat intake.
Bertolotti, M., Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2020). Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing , 12 , 212-230.
Different frames to reduce red meat intake: The moderating role of self-efficacy.
Bertolotti, M., Carfora, V. & Catellani, P. (2020). Health Communication, 35, 475-482 .
Rational and moral motives to reduce red and processed meat consumption
Comunicazione politica online: un percorso a due velocità
Catellani, P. (2019). Echo. Rivista interdisciplinare di comunicazione , 1 , 20-27.
Applying psychology of persuasion to conversational agents through reinforcement learning: An exploratory study
Di Massimo, F., Carfora, V., Catellani, P., & Piastra, M. (2019). CEUR – Workshop Proceedings, 2481 , 27.
Informational and emotional daily messages to reduce red and processed meat consumption.
Carfora, V., Bertolotti, M., & Catellani, P. (2019). Appetite, 141 ,
How to reduce red and processed meat consumption by daily text messages targeting environment or health benefits.
Carfora, V., Catellani, P., Caso, D., & Conner, M. (2019). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65 ,
Comunicazione politica online: un percorso a due velocità
The effects of counterfactual attacks on the morality and leadership of different professionals.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2018). Social Psychology , 49, 154-167.
The effects of counterfactual attacks on the morality and leadership of different professionals.
Promoting change in meat consumption among the elderly
Bertolotti, M., Chirchiglia, G. & Catellani, P. (2016). Appetite, 106, 37-47.
Salute o benessere? Effetti di framing nella comunicazione alimentare rivolta agli anziani
Bertolotti, M. e Catellani, P. (2016). Ricerche di Psicologia , 39, 79-92.
Promoting change in meat consumption among the elderly
Agreement with climate change policies: Framing the future and national versus supra-national identity.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2015). European Journal of Social Psychology , 45 , 847-857.
Agreement with climate change policies: Framing the future and national versus supra-national identity.
The effects of counterfactual defences on social judgements
Catellani, P. & Bertolotti, M. (2014). European Journal of Social Psychology, 44 , 82-92.
The Effects of message framing in policy communication on climate change.
Bertolotti, M. & Catellani, P. (2014). European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 474–486.
Tra Facebook e i TG. Esposizione mediale e percezione dei leader nella campagna elettorale italiana del 2013.
Barisione, M., Catellani, P. & Garzia, D. (2014). Comunicazione Politica , 6 , 187-210 .
Introduzione allo special issue su moralità e psicologia sociale
Catellani, P. (2014). Introduzione allo special issue su moralità e psicologia sociale: percorsi di ricerca e direzioni future. In-Mind , 7, 1-2. » Link
The effects of factual and counterfactual attacks on social judgments
Catellani, P. e Bertolotti, M. (2014). Social Psychology, 45, 371-381 .
The effects of counterfactual defences on social judgements
Counterfactuals, the national economy, and voting choice
Catellani, P., Milesi, P. e Alberici, A.I. (2014). Current Psychology , 33, pp. 47-63.
The strategic use of counterfactual communication in politics
Catellani, P. & Covelli, P. (2013). Journal of Language and Social Psychology , 32, 495-504.
The “Big Two” in political communication: The effects of attacking and defending politicians’ leadership or morality
Bertolotti, M., Catellani, P., Douglas, K.M., & Sutton R.M. (2013). Social Psychology , 44 , 117-128 .
The day after an electoral defeat: Counterfactuals and collective action
Milesi, P. e Catellani, P. (2011). British Journal of Social Psychology , 50, 690-706 .
Counterfactuals, the national economy, and voting choice
Does the candidate matter? Comparing the voting choice of early and late deciders
Catellani, P. & Alberici, A.I. (2012). Political Psychology, 33 , 619-634 .
Does the candidate matter? Comparing the voting choice of early and late deciders
Fatti e controfatti nel ragionamento giudiziario
Catellani, P. (2010). Sistemi Intelligenti , 22, 209-220.
Fatti e controfatti nel ragionamento giudiziario
Soggetti, strategie ed efficacia della comunicazione politica
Catellani, P. (2009). Comunicazione Politica , 1, 75-84.
Soggetti, strategie ed efficacia della comunicazione politica
Il salotto e la scena: il conflitto politico in Porta a Porta
Colombo, F. e Catellani, P. (2006). Comunicazione Politica , 7, 343-355.
Il salotto e la scena: il conflitto politico in Porta a Porta
Experiences in working life and the attraction of the extreme right. Empirical findings of a European study
Flecker, J., De Witte, H., Hentges, G., Catellani, P., De Weerdt, Y, e Milesi, P. (2005). Ethical Perspectives , 12, 141-170.
Experiences in working life and the attraction of the extreme right. Empirical findings of a European study
Counterfactual thinking and stereotypes: The nonconformity effect
Catellani, P., Alberici, A.I. e Milesi, P. (2004). European Journal of Social Psychology , 34, 421-436.
Counterfactual thinking and stereotypes: The nonconformity effect